Fees for legal services

The Law Firm provides legal services on the basis of long-term contracts for the provision of legal services or partial powers of attorney based on agreements with clients. The contracts define in detail the object and scope of the legal services provided and the corresponding contractual attorney’s fees.

In the provision of legal services under a power of attorney, the Law Firm prefers an hourly fee, the amount of which is set by agreement with the client, taking into account the complexity of the legal services provided, while in more complex cases with extremely uncertain results, the Law Firm accepts what is known as a “contingent fee”.

Registered office of the Law firm

Vlastina 602/23, 323 00 Pilsen

Branch of the Law firm

88 Sheikh Zayed Rd – Trade Centre – Trade Centre 1

Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Branch of the Law firm

Panská 895/6, 110 00 Prague 1


+420 377 519 999

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