Corporate legal counselling

We provide a full range of services related to the establishment, operation and management of commercial companies. The services of our Law Firm in this area include the establishment of commercial companies, the organisation of general meetings, and the implementation of changes in existing companies, from changes in company bodies and changes in the registered capital to mergers or other changes of legal form and company liquidation. AKVT also provides legal cover for the sale of already-established commercial companies that have been created exclusively for the purpose of their sale to clients, i.e. they have never been used for business before, and are ready for immediate use (what are termed ready-made companies).

We also provide comprehensive support for the day-to-day business activities of corporate clients, consisting of drafting contracts, agreements and other legal documents and commenting on such draft documents created by the business partners of clients. We conduct negotiations on behalf of clients regarding the execution of individual business transactions, and we provide counselling according to the client’s needs. In the case of disputes that cannot be resolved amicably, we represent clients in judicial and arbitration proceedings. We also represent our clients in proceedings before various administrative authorities.

The long-term experience with the portfolio of various business activities of corporate clients is used in AKVT in the development of comprehensive professional memoranda where the legal aspect complements and supports the client in its business decision. If clients are interested, AKVT can organise employee training for individual business departments of corporate clients, focusing on their day-to-day agenda, thus helping the people who are trained to gain an elementary legal awareness.

Registered office of the Law firm

Vlastina 602/23, 323 00 Pilsen

Branch of the Law firm

88 Sheikh Zayed Rd – Trade Centre – Trade Centre 1

Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Branch of the Law firm

Panská 895/6, 110 00 Prague 1


+420 377 519 999

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