Public procurement

In the provision of legal services, AKVT also specialises in legal services in the field of organising, administering and awarding public contracts under Act No. 134/2016 Coll., the Public Procurement Act, as amended (the Public Procurement Act), and related legal regulations, both on the part of the contracting authority and on the part of the contractor. The Law Firm has already executed several hundred tender procedures worth tens of billions of Czech crowns for its clients.

AKVT provides its clients with complete tender documentation (in the case of the contracting authority) or complete preparation of documents related to participation in the tender procedure (in the case of the tenderer or contractor).

AKVT has performed, and continues to perform, these activities for private entities as well as for a number of central authorities and ministries, such as the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Defence.

As part of public procurement, AKVT also provides related legal services at the Office for the Protection of Competition, both from the point of view of the Czech legal system and from the perspective of decision-making practice.

AKVT registered office in Pilsen

Registered office of the Law firm

Vlastina 602/23, 323 00 Pilsen

Branch of the Law firm

88 Sheikh Zayed Rd – Trade Centre – Trade Centre 1

Dubai – United Arab Emirates

Branch of the Law firm

Panská 895/6, 110 00 Prague 1


+420 377 519 999

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